UK Letter Home November 2003

Welcome to the November Edition of UKBound.

Seth is getting bigger and bigger, eating all the pies. He's had the last of his jabs a couple of weeks ago. He wasn't a happy bunny for about a week. We were quite glad to see the back of the jabs - his next set aren't for another year, so we'll have a happy baby (hopefully) until then. Seth is also doing quite well already for Christmas. Everytime we go out, we buy him something in the name of Christmas, and no matter what we buy, he always seems to open it that night. We've tried hiding his presies, but he always finds them.

We have finally finished installing the wardrobes in our room. They look so much better than the built-in ones that we had. Who said '70's furniture would come back? The one problem I had was I built one in Seth's room, and the wardrobe was about 8 feet tall. It wouldn't get through the door. I had to dismantle most of it in order to move it. Oh well, will know for next time. I took a week off to do a little more DIY. I was able to finish our room off, and we decided to also paint the living room. I have taken the wallpaper off half a wall and that's where it now sits. We are trying to decide on a color. We have purchased about a dozen sampler colors, but the color on the outside or in the magazine is nothing like what they are on the wall. We have found about five perfect colors until we applied them. Oh well. Maybe by the next letter, it will be done.

The weather has been great (or in comparison to some of the snow stories I have already heard from BC). We have had no snow, little rain, and it has only dipped below freezing a couple of times. Today (Dec 3) it was +11C on my way home at 6pm. Not bad. We were to have a really bad storm a couple of weeks ago, but it decided to hit North England instead. Winds of 80-110mph, rain, the works. They stuck a poor weather girl on the peir during the storm for an up to the minute report and they've only found her mic. The only disappointing part of winter is the darkness, and the lack of sun. Aberdeen, which is only a couple of hours northeast of here, is further north than Moscow.

The website has a couple more pics of Seth, and I have been working on our Scotland trip. I'm hoping to get the Scotland pics up before our next trip. It's easier to go away than to catalogue it. My home computer is still trashed. Every time I try and install Windoze, it gives me a windows protection error, and I have to reinstall Windoze again. Not fun. As well, I think my work machine is about to give up the ghost, so I have to get everything moved onto my home machine (which isn't working) so it's an endless cycle.

On the job front, well, it's a job. I'm learning stuff, but just work related - nothing to really add to my CV. I'm hoping to take a bunch of VB training, as I have had no training this year. We'll see.

I guess that's it for this edition. And, if I don't talk to you in the next month, have a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Seasons Greatings, or whatever you fancy.

Brian, Kim and wee Seth.