Spain June 2005 - Part III

Spain - Valencia

When we were driving around Valencia, we drove around just doing a quick self-tour of the city. We tried to find parking, but whenever we found a parking sign, they would lead you to a smaller, more narrow road than you were on until you were eventually backing down a one way street the wrong way being watched by dogs, horses and coffee sipping old people. We eventually found a parking lot under this beautiful park. The one problem with Spanish parking lots (vs. North American parking lots) is their cars are smaller, which means that their parking spaces are teeny! You spend half a tank of petrol just driving, backing, realligning, and squishing your car into a parking spot. I think that's why Europe has 10 times more mopeds than NA.

Just to prove the above moped statement, are a bunch of bikes racing towards us. As well, bikes are parked along the sidewalk in a neat row.

Same street looking the other way. We'll be walking towards the church in the next couple of pictures.

We are now at the square with the church(s).

Looking right from the above picture, shows the other side of the square.

A closer look at the church at the back of the square. They were having an exhibition, but unfortunately, we didn't have time.

The tower, carvings and the church.

With the church behind me, here is a look at the square from the other side.

We always try and take a double decker tour bus around the various cities that we visit. It gives a quick guide and you often see sites you normally wouldn't see. If possible, I'd recommend getting an actual human to do the tour, as you miss a lot if you have the recorded tours, as often the stupid headsets don't work.

We are now approaching the back of one of the city gates.

Here is the back of one of the towers. They are restoring the back of the towers to their original splendor. back

This is one of the turrets on the city wall. It isn't actually falling down, but these dents were created by cannon balls by Napollean.

We're in a double decker bus, and the tower is still quite a bit higher than us. They really didn't want unwanted people coming into their city. It's really funny, cause we just took the road around the towers. I wonder if Napollean had thought about taking the side route.

Here is another restored gate on the other side of town. The bridge originally crossed aa river, but now gives shade to a park below.

And here are two worldly travellers, hiding from the noon day sun at the back of the bus.

Valencia is a fairly big city, but fortunately isn't traffic busy.

I think this is the city hall. Quite an interesting building.

This is the old Banko De Valencia (Bank of Valencia) which has been partially converted into flats. You really don't see such grand mosaics or detailing on newer buildings.

A closer look at the Banko De Valencia building.

The next group of pictures are of the new Sports and Science complex. I'm betting by the time you read this, it will have been completed.

From this angle, it looks like a fish.

The top part, doesn't actually look attached. That's very impressive.

No matter how careful you are, a light or tree always gets in the way.

I'm not sure what inspired this building. A turtle mibbie?

There are quite a few buildings to the complex. Here are a couple that are almost complete.

The pools out front unfortunately are only for show, and can't be used for swimming (althought that would have been a great use of space).

And the back of the complex, with some of the gardens and paths. You really wouldn't notice, but this is actually built on an old riverbed, but since it doesn't rain that much, they're probably pretty safe.

Ah, there's nothing better than relaxing in an open-topped stretch limo. Faster driver! And, watch out for the low trees!

Spain - Plane Ride Home

The one thing that nobody every does is bring their camera into the plane. I think it's interesting to try and figure out if you can spot anyplace that you have just visited. This is us just leaving Valencia.

This is Castellon with the seaport on the top, and the park and bull fighting ring in the middle. Can you find the bull ring?

Here - this should help you. Hint: It's a big circle with orange in the middle.

And here is Benicasim. You can just make out the railway and the highway.

There is the waterpark (also seen in the first couple of pictures from the hills).

If you follow the beach down the coast (to the left), that is where that tower is located.


Our final picture, of Spain in 2005. Farewell.

End of Part III and End of Spain 05!