UK Letter Home January 2004

Welcome to the January Edition of UKBound.

Just out of curiosity - how many New Year's resolutions are already broken? I've been trying to do some of them, but it's hard. I should be back on track when Seth moves out. Ask me in 18-20 years if I've kept my resolutions.

Seth is getting bigger and bigger. We are concerned about his language skills though. His English is doing OK, however, his French and Russian is giving us a little concern. He now has a couple of fangs, so sometimes stationary objects like blocks, rattles, or moggies occassionally get chomped. On the plus side, he is in a lot better mood because of this, so we don't have to use nearly as much Calpol. He is also now sleeping through the night, so that allows Kim and I to sneak out and go to the cinema. He's never cried loud enough for the neighbours to hear, so we've never had the polis over.

For travelling, we have been sticking rather close to home. We have a walking tour book of Glasgow, so we've been going to the local parks and zoo's. We are having quite a bit of fun trying to get Seth's pram over fallen logs, muddy valleys, bumpy paths and the occassional stone fence. Usually it's hard trying not to get stuck in the mud, then finding a puddle deep enough to give our shoes and pram a good rinse. The boot looks more like a fledgling tree farm with all the leaves, dirt and sand. We have no plans for any far and exotic places, so for now, you'll have to get your fix by watching Rick Steeves or Robin Leech.

We've had several snowfalls in January. We've must accumulated an enitre inch of snow. And, the temperature on several occassions droped to -10C. It's time to move to the Rivera.

On the job front, yes, I'm still employed. We got our bonus (spelled with an "e" - see if you figure out that one (gold star for the first one that does)) and company moral is at an all time low. We've just merged with Bank1, so we'll see what happens out of that. According to all the notes so far, the UK will be safe as Bank1 has most of it's operations in the states.

After about 4 months, our computer is finally back together. We now have XP on it, so we're just learning how to use the new OS. I've found pinball and internet hearts, so I guess XP isn't all that bad. Why couldn't we just stick with Win 3.11? It worked fine!

I haven't done much to the website. I've named all the pictures from our England trip and will start posting them over the next month. Check it out in a couple of weeks.

I guess that's about it for this issue.

Brian, Kim, wee Seth and the moggies.