Funny Pictures, Jokes, and Quotes

OK honey, you can come out now

You're Not Alone

Baby Hedgehog

Wonder why the laptop stopped working???

What to do if you catch a cat burglar in the act.

I am not a lumberjack, or a fur trader.
I don't live in an igloo,
or eat blubber, or own a dogsled,
and I don't know Jimmy, Suzy, or Sally from Canada,
although I am certain they are really, really nice.

I have a Prime Minister, not a President
I speak English and French, not American
I pronounce it "About" not "a boot"
I can proudly sew my country's flag on my backpack
I believe in Peacekeeping, not policing
Diversity, not Assimilation
and that the Beaver is a proud and noble animal.
The Toque is a hat,
A Chesterfield is a couch,
and "Z" is pronounced "ZED" not "ZEE", "ZED"
Canada is the second largest land mass,
The first nation of hockey, and
My Name is "Joe", and

Thank You

This is pretty disgusting with the fellow's guts laying on the ground and all. This is not for the squeamish, but you just can't help but look. I wonder if he would have jumped had he known what he was going to look like after impact. What amazes me is the crowd of onlookers standing there looking at this guy.

They have to be pretty morbid folks.

Don't look if you can't handle this kind of stuff!

His name: Seaman (honest - that's not part of the joke). What is the joke is that this is the goal that kicked England out of the 2002 World Cup. And, in this part of the world, his haircut isn't particularly manly.