Edinburgh Scotland July 2002

Edinburgh - City Zoo - Ah, summer. The time to go to the beach, mow the lawn, find some shade, and of course, go to the zoo. With a new digital camera in hand, we decided to run off to Edinburgh for the day, and see what the animals were up to. About an hour later, we were totally lost in Edinburgh city center looking for the zoo. An hour later, we were loading the batteries and trying to frighten the bats with our flash. OK, there were no bats, but that doesn't make a very good story, does it?

This was my first experience with a digital camera. Hopefully you have looked at this page before you have seen the England / Wales trip. These picture were created with a less expensive camera, where the England / Wales trip were created with a slightly better camera. Either that, or it was me - you decide... The tattoo pictures at the end of this page were done with my new camera - they are noticably clearer. Unfortunately it was at night, but I am actually impressed with the quality regardless. The nice thing about the digital cameras, is you can take pictures, view them, and either keep them if they look ok, or trash them right on the spot. Also it's more fun to see the pictures that you have just taken, rather than wait a week or two for them to get developed.

Rather than the normal "here is a horse, here is a dog" descriptions, I have decided to make the trip to the zoo a little more comical. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't. But you can't complain until I have seen your site.

With a map in our hand, and an umbrealla in the other, we ran over to the Rock Hopper display, where we met this fine example. Notice his stylish tux, shiny pink feet and his slicked back yellow hair. This penguin is ready to go somewhere! And, he is accompanied by another Rock Hopper, who is also sporting a beautiful tux.

Here we see that, not only is the tux fashionable, it also doubles as swimwear. Maybe this is really James Bond in his scuba gear.

Notice the speed and agility that the tux allows, as we witness a tuck, roll, and dive maneuver.

One benefit of going to the zoo, is being allowed to pet the penguins. Here, Kim scratches the penguin on the chin. Ohhh... he seems to like that. The other penguin is waiting for his turn.

Here, the adult waits for supper, while the other decides to wash his flippers before supper. Good hygene is always appreciated.

These are the emperor penguins, which don't really associate with the rest of the bunch. As you can see, they are quite a bit bigger than the other penguines, and have been rumoured to be bullies. The animal world is so cruel.

Here is momma and baby giraffe. You wouldn't know it, but baby giraffe is only about 2 years old, and momma is about to have another. About 3 weeks after this picture was taken, there was an addition to the giraffe family.

Ah, she's smiling!

The gorillas had quite a good location, zoo wise. They have one of the better city views and quite an eloborate jungle gyms. This gorilla was actually being quite energetic, running around the compound, rattling the chains and ropes. Quite fun to watch.

Ah, feeding time at the zoo. This included the trainer standing on the top of the enclosure, throwing bits and bobs around the grass. This encourages the gorillas to run after their food, and to be more active.

This furry little guy has to win the award for longest tail. Notice that he has taken his wardrobe from the penguins.

Ah, a little monkey family chewing on apples.

I think this little guy was just acting cute. Awwww... The monkey in the back is waving hello.

This poor little guy suffers from paroinoia. Who's that behind him??? Why are they following him??? Leave the poor little guy alone!

Here he again on the teeter-toughter. Upsie-daisy, downsie-daisy.

I'm not sure, but I think this little guy's fallen asleep... Hello... Wakie wakie!

This little guy is training for the jumping olympics. He can jump almost the length of the room!

Here is a very proud monkey. He has a deck of cards in one hand, and his grade 12 diploma in his foot. His parents are so proud.

These little guys have opted out for the outside life of rocks and cliffs.

Kim had the most fun in this exhibit. She would hid around the corner, and then the monkeys would run up the branch, then she would run over to the left side, and the monkeys would jump over to the other side, and then she would sit down, and then they would run over to the right side. It was very comical. Too bad this camera didn't have a movie function.

This little guy is a red monkey. No, honest - he's red, and a monkey. Ok, sure, he has a little longer nose then the others, and he doesn't have a monkey tail like the others, but, yes, he's a red monkey. What more can I tell you?

Now, with this picture, I could tell you that it was a tree climbing pygmy hippo (those are coming up in a couple pictures) but you'd never believe me - or would you??? It's actually a red panda. It is kinda like a fox, with a big fluffy tail, but he's bigger than a fox, and obviously can climb trees and really likes his little tree club house. As you can see, he's kinda shy - this was the best picture that I was able to get.

Here is either a black bear totally overexposed, or an albino bear. Maybe it's just a guy in a bear suit. You decide.

You don't see these every day - these are tree climbing pygme hippos. Ok, maybe they don't climb tress, but are pygme. I guess they also don't eat as much. I didn't actually see their plate.

These photo shy little individuals are wild boars. No, I don't mean they are boaring, but they wild pigs. Quite fast little critters.

Are all frogs green? You'd think, wouldn't you. So, either this isn't a frog or it's a blue frog. Maybe I was playing with the color - no, the plant appears to be green. Humm... must be the frog.

Hey, how did this get in there? It's a shot of our front yard! These flamingo's were bought from B&Q - aren't they so lifelike?

This is Owl, making a rare appearance from "Winnie The Pooh". Oh, doesn't he look so smug? In the original picture, he was really well hidden, so I took out all of the background, just to leave you with this gem.

And, with the last picture from the Zoo, we leave you with the Snow Owl from "Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone". Good night animals.

Edinburgh - Military Tattoo - For several weeks in the summer, Edinburgh hosts the "Edinburgh Military Tattoo". This is where the musical corp from the army comes to play. The backdrop for this event is the Edinburgh Castle, high uptop the hill overlooking the city. You might have seen something like this on the telly, or have heard a bagpipe band play, but it's another story to hear twenty bands marching, playing and performing all at once.

The bands enter the square, one by one, until the entire square is packed with bagpipes and drums.

They continue their march upon the square. If you notice, the far left band is actually from the RCMP.

The main group leaves the square - after this, each band performs a couple of songs and had a different demonstration.

Toward the end of the night, they bring out the royal jewels. The crown is one of the oldest exsisting crowns. A lot of other crowns from other monarchys have been either stolen or dismantled during one uprising or another. As well, the carridge that the jewels are on, is one of the oldest remaining in the world. The queen just had her jubilie a couple of months ago, and was also at the tattoo. I am not sure if that would have been her in the carridge, or if there is just another diginatary.

The jewels coming into the center of the square.

And here is a shot of all the Queen's horses, and all the Queen's men in the center of the square.

The final presentation has all the bands playing in unison.

Good night from Edinburgh.