Bullet aka Luther - Last Updated: April 5, 2010 @ 23.53

Bullet - When we moved to Bournemouth, wanted to get a dog. We were renting when we first moved. It was a struggle to find a place that would accept cats, never mind dogs. After about a thousand (yes, pounds) worth of outside work (new fence, new shed roof, new porch roof), and quite few hours of cleanup, the back yard is now dog friendly.

When we first got Luther, he had a long trip from Hamworthy (Poole) to our place. The trip tired him out, and he requested a power nap.

After we got Luther home, we decided that Luther (named after Luther Vandross - the singer) wasn't a very good name for a dog. We had a couple names already picked out for him before the doggie search even began. There was HotWheels, and Stinky and Smelly, and a few others, but after much consideration, and a hunt over several dog name websites, we decided on Bullet. Nothing to do with guns, but even as a puppy, he looked like he was going to be a fast dog when he grew up. Plus, we thought it was a unique name, as how many "Spot's" or "Jack's" are there in the park? I was thinking, if we get another dog, we'd name it "Gunther" - I'll let you figure that one out.

Even with a red and yellow rabbit firmly within his reach, he is unable to muster the strength for the pursuit.

After a quick power-nap, he's ready, and teaching his rabbit a lesson!

Air Bullet!!!
Here is Bullet, flying in the sky, catching the rabbit in mid flight. He's such an athlete!

After a hectic workout with the rabbit, a well deserved rest is required.

It's cold chasing rabbits - a well deserved sleep requires a well deserved blanket.

Bullet is part dog, and part vulcher. He loves the highest place on the couch, whereever has the best vantage point.

Bullet is learning how to become a good lap dog. Right now he's small enough for the normal size lap, but remember - at this picture, he was only about 9 weeks old. Nobody's sure exactly how big he'll grow.

We started training Bullet to hunt red and yellow rabbits. Unfortunately, Bullet got a little carried away, and attacked the mailman. This is all that is left of the package, and the hat behind his is all that was left of the mailman. I hope they don't increase the price of stamps because of this.

After the mailman was fully digested, a nap was required. Now, since Bullet has had his fill, another nap is in order, and greatly needed.

Seth and Bullet are "sharing" the couch. Although I think Bullet is getting the raw deal on the amount of couch real-estate.

Bullet was getting tired of playing the Xbox with Seth. It's not that Seth isn't a good team-mate, it's just that Bullet is more strategic than Seth. He loves the action games where you have to plan your route.

Here's Bullet getting right into the game

Bullet has a couple favourites. They are "Need For Speed PA" (Puppy Addition) and "Call Of Dooty"

ATTACK!!! Here comes the Bullet Attack! Feel his wrath!

Bullet has quite beautiful markings. Here, he's showing how he can easily hide by digging a quick little foxhole. Now he's gone!

Pop! Now you can see me.

Since Bullet is such a fast dog, we decided to put racing stripes on him. If you flip him over (when he eventually awakes) you'll see the exact same stripe on the other side.

Bullet used to like going on the armrests of the sofa. He decided that this was just too low, and has now moved to the physically highest part of the sofa. See if you can find him, as he's pretty camouflaged.
